Kailo: Youth-driven mental health prevention in Newham

The Challenge

Kailo is a programme set up to tackle the root causes of young people’s mental health through young person-led preventative action. Newham is one of Kailo’s Pioneer Places. It is an East London Borough with a rich cultural tapestry and a vibrant and diverse population. Yet about half of children in the area are living in poverty and inequalities are high. Local leaders and community champions are committed to making Newham a place for all young people to thrive.

My role

I worked as part of the Kailo team to develop and conduct a process for youth-driven mental health action in Newham. My role was as participatory researcher, ensuring this work was led by and for young people in the local area.

What I did

  • Developing research materials that supported conversations with young people around local issues such as crime, violence and mental health.

  • Designing and facilitating in-person session with young people to understand the issues that felt most important to them to be addressed. 

  • Developing a toolkit for the wider team to use to conduct youth-led, context based, research and design.

Check out the toolkit here.


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